The best rugby story of the weekend

29 May 2023

There was some outstanding rugby played on the weekend, great battles and moments of sublime brilliance. But the best story, the one that tugged at the heartstrings, came from the Maritzburg College under-14 C team. And their result was irrelevant.

On Saturday, they were pitted against a KZN Development Team, but it was a horrible mismatch. College ran rampant. In double-quick time, they had accrued a 50-0 lead but, with only 20 minutes played, the game was, mercifully, stopped.

It could have been a hollow-feeling win for the red, black and white, and a painful, deflating loss for the Development Team, but some inspired thinking completely flipped the script, turning the occasion into a memorable, heart-warming, bonding experience for all of the players involved in it.

Joining forces

College wanted all of the players, from both sides, to have a full game. So, it was agreed to mix the teams. Some College boys joined the ranks of the KZN Development team, while some of the Development team boys joined the College ranks.

Fuelled by fun, the players fully embraced the opportunity. The score really didn’t matter. No one bothered to provide one, which spoke volumes about the spirit of the occasion.

Afterwards, the post-match photo revealed a group of happy boys, invigorated by the experience. They had looked beyond a result, instead welcoming an opportunity to band together to ensure everyone had a positive experience.

This was an unforgettable life lesson. It wasn’t written in a textbook. This was “real life”. And a decision that drew on the very best traditions of rugby’s camaraderie ensured everyone had a good experience. Everyone came away a winner.

The score was irrelevant. The life lesson wasn’t.

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