College trio complete Rhino Peak Challenge for conservation

18 September 2023

The trio of Maritzburg College teacher Brandon de Lange and cross-country runners, Lethokuhle Shangase and Riley Kleinhans, recently completed the Rhino Peak Challenge (RPC), a 21km half-marathon fundraiser for the conservation of rhinos and other endangered animals, on 9 September.

The run is a there-and-back route, to the summit of Rhino Peak (3 056m). Afterwards, looking back on the event, De Lange described it as “a wholesome experience “.

Rhino Peak Challenge

It might have been wholesome, but it was physically and mentally demanding. De Lange had injured himself while training for a marathon a few weeks before the RPC.

“It was challenging throughout and left me breathless- a combination of the thin air at 3 000m above sea level and the breath-taking views,” he said. “It truly is a panoramic view that is difficult to capture on camera, it simply does not do the view justice.

Photos do not do the beauty of the Drakensberg justice, Nicholson Housemaster Brandon de Lange said.
Photos do not do the beauty of the Drakensberg justice, Nicholson Housemaster Brandon de Lange said.

“I think we all underestimated the elevation gain”

Both College boys, Lethu and Riley, found it a tough test, but they completed the run in just over four hours and just under five hours respectively. “I think we all underestimated the elevation gain,” De Lange reckoned.

In the days following the run, the body felt tired, but the mind was rejuvenated and grateful, he added. “There is a sense of achievement and I think that it is a special memory to hold on to.

“Lethu mentioned that he felt good after the run and that his legs and back were sore the following couple days. Riley reported that the trail was long and challenging in terms of the ‘shear steepness’. Overall, he found it a rewarding experience.”

It wasn’t as simple as putting one foot in front of the other until the run was complete, De Lange explained: “The route demands a careful eye and constant awareness, especially on the descent where a slip or misjudged foot placement could have been met with serious consequences.” However, the route and the recommended lines were very well marked, he added.

“The weather was kind in the sense that it was sunny, clear skies, albeit a very warm day, and hardly any wind compared to the usual conditions.”

The Rhino Peak Challenge was picturesque but extremely challenging.
The Rhino Peak Challenge was picturesque but extremely challenging.


The College crew managed to raise R8 800. “Whilst we did not have as much of a contribution as we would have liked, it has taught us that we need to explore more creative ways of getting in touch with the public about important causes like conservation and help the public buy into the process, literally. We are extremely thankful to those who contributed to the fundraising, be it for our team or any of the other teams. Each rand makes a difference and is appreciated,” De Lange commented.

Sharing the challenge with other like-minded people was fulfilling and enjoyable, he said: “Being able to interact with people from across the country, and some from across the globe, from various walks of life was enlightening and interesting.

“The schoolboys interacted with the other schools’ teams, as well as adults, who had a wealth of life experiences to share. The atmosphere was friendly and supportive.

“Lethu said that he found the interactions with the other runners pleasant, saying that he ‘loved’ running with others, and the encouragement and support of each other was a highlight. Riley mentioned that he felt welcomed from the start.”

The importance of conservation

The feeling of being on the trails, experiencing the beauty of nature, opens one’s mind to the importance of conservation, De Lange said. “I believe that more people need to expose themselves to the local, majestic environments that we have on offer in South Africa. The wildlife and the natural environments we have are precious and I must say that it was amazing to stand still along the way and look around to see and appreciate the landscape.

“Being involved in education, I feel that there is more that can be done to spread awareness and appreciation of the natural environments and wildlife around us that need help.

“Riley added that he thinks Rhino Peak Challenge is a must for everyone. He said that running seems to bring people from all over the world together, which creates shared experiences, in this case on the Rhino itself.

“He said that it’s a great opportunity to interact with people from all over the world who ‘year on year strive for the conservation of wildlife’ and environments.

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